
You can receive webhook notifications when specific events happen in Orchest. For example, when a job fails. Whenever an events triggers, Orchest will send an HTTP request to your desired endpoint with a payload of information. For example:

  "delivered_for": {
    "name": "Test webhook",
    "verify_ssl": false,
    "content_type": "application/json",
    "uuid": "a1edb89c-1cfb-4086-8f75-ab073612c5bf",
    "type": "webhook"
  "event": {
    "type": "ping",
    "uuid": "08bd2a31-9b17-4d1b-83ba-b4538a970dee",
    "timestamp": "2022-06-02 16:12:25.242592+00:00"

To create a webhook, navigate to “Notification settings” in Orchest settings. The webhook dialog will ask for the following:

  1. Webhook URL: Where Orchest sends the HTTP requests to. Activate incoming webhooks on your desired channel (for example: Slack) and verify the connection with the “Test” button.

  2. Content type: Either application/json (default) or application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

  3. Webhook name (optional): A custom name for your webhook. This is helpful when creating multiple webhooks with similar URLs.

  4. Secret (optional): A secret string that you can use to verify the origin of the request (see below).

(You can read the source code of the webhook schema).

Verifying the webhook#

The HTTP request of the webhook will contain additional headers that can verify the webhook is coming from Orchest.


The event type.


UUID of the delivery.


SHA-256 HMAC digest of the payload.

The following sample code verifies the payload signature is the same as the expected one from the webhook secret:

import hashlib
import hmac
import os

def verify_signature(payload, request_headers):
    Verify that the signature of payload is the same
    as the one expected from the stored webhook secret.
    if not isinstance(body, bytes):
        body = body.encode("utf-8")
    digest =
    expected_signature = digest.hexdigest()

    return hmac.compare_digest(