(installation)= # Installation ```{eval-rst} .. meta:: :description: This page contains the installation instructions for Orchest. ``` This page contains the installation instructions for self-hosting the open source version of Orchest. The easiest way to use Orchest is through our free [hosted version](https://cloud.orchest.io/signup). Get up and running with a fully configured Orchest instance in less than 2 minutes. ```{note} Orchest is in beta. ``` ## Prerequisites To install Orchest you will need a running [Kubernetes (k8s) cluster](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/). You can either pick a managed service by one of the certified [cloud platforms](https://kubernetes.io/docs/setup/production-environment/turnkey-solutions/) or create a cluster yourself. For single node deployments, we recommend using at (the very) least 2 CPU and 8GB of RAM (see {ref}`CPU contention `). Do note that only the following container runtimes are supported: - [containerd](https://containerd.io/) - [Docker](https://www.docker.com/products/container-runtime/) Pick your deployment environment and Kubernetes distribution and follow the installation steps below. In case you have custom requirements, be sure to first check out the {ref}`custom requirements ` section. (regular-installation)= ## Installing Orchest We recommend installing Orchest on a clean cluster to prevent clashes with existing cluster-level resources, even though installing Orchest on an existing cluster is fully supported. At this time we only support running Orchest on Linux (`x86_64`). Either through `minikube` on a Linux bare-metal/VM or on a Kubernetes cluster. ```{raw} html :file: install_widget.html ``` ## Managing your Orchest installation Your Orchest installation can be fully managed through the `orchest-cli`, check out the available commands in the {ref}`Orchest CLI reference `. ```{note} Your Kubernetes cluster has to be up in order for the `orchest-cli` to be able to interact with it. ``` (custom-install-requirements)= ## Self hosting a multi node deployment If you want to self-host and manage a multi-node Orchest installation, there are a few things to consider, mostly pertaining to storage. Most likely, you'll need to get accustomed to the Orchest CRD to be aware of what can be customized, e.g. backing a PVC with an EFS. ### The docker registry The Orchest deployment includes a docker registry to store images of built environments. This single write storage will get larger as you add more environments to your project, so you'll need to choose a storage option that can handle the increased size or that can be resized later. ### The user directory Orchest stores most of its data in the user directory, which is used by various services, pipeline steps, and other internal processes. In a multi-node setup, the `userdir` PVC needs to be backed by storage that can handle multiple writers across nodes, such as NFS or EFS. Alternatively, you could use a distributed file system and an host path for the volume. ### Control plane and worker nodes A multi node cluster allows to separate what we could consider the Orchest control plane from the work to be done, like running user pipelines. This can improve stability, performance and costs by making sure the two take place in different nodes of the cluster. The `orchest-cli` `install` command has some hidden flags that allow you to do this based on node labels. This isn't exactly a feature we consider published but more like an internal function that we mention here to ease the life of users with more advanced requirements. You'll have to take a look at the `orchest-cli` code in the Orchest repo, overall, this particular feature can be considered stable. When the control plane and worker nodes are separated, the `userdir` is split into an orchest state PVC and the `userdir`. If the control plane is only on a single node, the orchest state PVC can be a simple volume. ## Custom requirements If you have **custom requirements** (or preferences) for deploying Orchest on your Kubernetes cluster, then one of the following subsections might be helpful: - {ref}`Setting up an FQDN `: Reach Orchest using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) instead of the cluster's IP directly. - {ref}`Installing without Argo Workflows `: Don't let Orchest manage Argo in case you already have Argo Workflows installed on your Kubernetes cluster. - {ref}`Installing without Nginx Ingress Controller `: Don't let Orchest manage nginx ingress controller if you already have it installed on your Kubernetes cluster. - {ref}`Installing using kubectl `: If you would rather use `kubectl` instead of the `orchest-cli`. - {ref}`Setting up a reverse proxy `: Useful when installing Orchest in remote machines, such as AWS EC2 instances. - {ref}`Scarse (CPU) resources - tweak DNS settings `: Increase DNS query timeout to prevent name resolution failing during time of CPU resource contention. Especially applicable for single node deployments close to the minimum requirement of 2 vCPU. (install-fqdn)= ### Setting up an FQDN If you would rather reach Orchest using a Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN), e.g. by simply going to `http://localorchest.io` in your browser, instead of using the cluster's IP directly, you can install Orchest using: ```bash orchest install --fqdn="localorchest.io" ``` % or, if you have already installed Orchest but would like to set up an FQDN For local Kubernetes clusters such as minikube, you can now make Orchest reachable through the FQDN by: `````{tab-set} ````{tab-item} Linux ```bash # Set up the default Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in your # /etc/hosts so that you can reach Orchest locally. echo "$(minikube ip)\tlocalorchest.io" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts ``` ```` ````{tab-item} macOS ```bash # Set up the default Fully Qualified Domain Name (FQDN) in your # /etc/hosts so that you can reach Orchest locally. echo "\tlocalorchest.io" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts ``` And don't forget to also run `sudo minikube tunnel`. ```` ````` (install-argo)= ### Installing Orchest without Argo Workflows If you already have [Argo Workflows](https://argoproj.github.io/argo-workflows/) installed globally (i.e. not namespaced) on your Kubernetes cluster, then you need to explicitly tell Orchest not to install it again: ```bash orchest install --no-argo ``` Since Argo Workflows creates cluster level resources, installing it again would lead to clashes or both Argo Workflow deployments managing Custom Resource Objects (most likely you don't want either of those things to happen). Now that you are using an Argo Workflows set-up that is not managed by the Orchest Controller, you need to make sure that the right set of permissions are configured for Orchest to work as expected. Check out the permissions that the Orchest Controller sets for Argo [here](https://github.com/orchest/orchest/tree/v2022.08.8/services/orchest-controller/deploy/thirdparty/argo-workflows). In addition, Orchest makes use of Argo's [`Container Set`](https://argoproj.github.io/argo-workflows/container-set-template/) in a single-node setting (i.e. you have `singleNode: true` in the `OrchestCluster` CR Object) which requires the use of the [`Emissary Executor`](https://argoproj.github.io/argo-workflows/workflow-executors/#emissary-emissary). (install-nginx)= ### Installing Orchest without Nginx Ingress Controller If you already have [nginx ingress controller](https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy) deployed on your Kubernetes cluster, then you need to tell Orchest not to install it again: ```bash orchest install --no-nginx ``` ```{note} Installation of the `Nginx Ingress Controller` requires different procedures on [EKS](https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#aws) and [GKE](https://kubernetes.github.io/ingress-nginx/deploy/#gce-gke) clusters. ``` (install-kubectl)= ### Installing Orchest using `kubectl` The code snippet below will install Orchest in the `orchest` namespace. In case you want to install in another namespace you can use tools like [yq](https://github.com/mikefarah/yq) to change the specified namespace in `orchest-controller.yaml` and `example-orchestcluster.yaml`. ```bash # Get the latest available Orchest version at https://github.com/orchest/orchest/releases # Example: export VERSION="v2023.01.8" # Create the namespace to install Orchest in kubectl create ns orchest # Deploy the Orchest Operator kubectl apply \ -f "https://github.com/orchest/orchest/releases/download/${VERSION}/orchest-controller.yaml" # Apply an OrchestCluster Custom Resource # NOTE: You can also first download the example manifest so that you # can tweak it to your liking. For example, preventing Orchest from # also deploying the Nginx controller (because you have already # configured ingress on your cluster) through the # `controller.orchest.io/deploy-ingress` annotation. kubectl apply \ -f "https://github.com/orchest/orchest/releases/download/${VERSION}/example-orchestcluster.yaml" ``` In case you want to configure the Orchest Cluster, you can patch the created `OrchestCluster`. (reverse-proxy)= ### Setting up a reverse proxy When installing Orchest in remote machines, such as AWS EC2 instances, you will need to set up a reverse proxy that redirects traffic to the application appropriately. Here is an example on how to do it on an Ubuntu-based EC2 machine using [nginx]: ```bash sudo apt-get install -y nginx # Make Orchest accessible on the instance through localorchest.io minikube ip | xargs printf "%s localorchest.io" | sudo tee -a /etc/hosts # Set up a reverse proxy that listens on port 80 of the host # and routes traffic to Orchest sudo cat << EOF > /etc/nginx/sites-available/localorchest.io map $http_upgrade $connection_upgrade { default upgrade; '' close; } server { listen 80 default_server; listen [::]:80 default_server; server_name orchest; location / { proxy_pass http://localorchest.io; # For project or file manager uploads. client_max_body_size 0; # WebSocket support. proxy_http_version 1.1; proxy_set_header X-Forwarded-For $proxy_add_x_forwarded_for; proxy_set_header Host $host; proxy_set_header Upgrade $http_upgrade; proxy_set_header Connection $connection_upgrade; proxy_read_timeout 86400; } } EOF sudo ln -s /etc/nginx/sites-available/localorchest.io /etc/nginx/sites-enabled/ # Remove default_server. sudo truncate -s 0 /etc/nginx/sites-available/default sudo service nginx restart ``` [nginx]: https://nginx.org/en/ (cpu-contention-dns)= ### Scarse (CPU) resources - tweak DNS settings This section applies mostly to single-node deployments as otherwise you can configure your Kubernetes cluster to scale with respect to the current load or separate your control plane nodes from your worker nodes. During times of CPU resource contention, the [CoreDNS](https://coredns.io/) pod could start failing its `readinessProbe` leading to `kube-proxy` updating `iptables` rules to stop routing traffic to the pod ([k8s docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/concepts/workloads/pods/pod-lifecycle/#types-of-probe)), for which it uses the `REJECT` target. This means that DNS queries will start failing immediately without the configured resolver timeout being respected (in Orchest we use a timeout of `10` seconds with `5` attempts). In order to respect the timeout instead of failing immediately, you can tweak the `readinessProbe` or simply remove it by editing the manifest of the `coredns` deployment: ```sh kubectl edit -n kube-system deploy coredns ``` ```{note} 👀 For Minikube users we automatically take care of this. Even the warning below doesn't apply. ``` ```{warning} Configuration changes of CoreDNS will be lost when executing `kubeadm upgrade apply` -- see [Kubernetes docs](https://kubernetes.io/docs/tasks/administer-cluster/kubeadm/kubeadm-reconfigure/#applying-coredns-configuration-changes). Thus you will have to reapply your changes whenever you run `kubeadm upgrade apply`. Why? Well, the [CoreDNS manifests are hardcoded in `kubeadm`](https://github.com/kubernetes/kubernetes/blob/4daf5f903b3cb73365093e2f83c18d4d8e53c0c5/cmd/kubeadm/app/phases/addons/dns/manifests.go), thus if `kubeadm init phase addon coredns` is ever invoked, then your changes to the configuration of CoreDNS are lost. What can I do about it? If you are using `kubeadm` directly, then you could skip the `kubeadm` addon phase and deploy the respective addons yourself. Or you could just reapply your CoreDNS manifest changes each time. ``` ## Closing notes Authentication is disabled by default after installation. Check out the {ref}`Orchest settings ` to learn how to enable it.